Vince Pankoke

Welcome to my Cold Case Diary!

Working undercover for the FBI meant that I could not tell anyone about my work. Now that I have started the preliminary investigation about the arrest and possible betrayal of Anne Frank, I can finally share my experiences with my loved ones, in particular with my daughter, Kate. I make voice recordings for her and keep a diary. She grew up without knowing what her father did, but now, I am thrilled that I can keep her informed about every move I make in this case. I appreciate her insights and she is a great inspiration to me. She says it's time to share my experiences with the rest of the world.

March 4, 2018


I did not know what to do today. Started ‘going over things’ sort of randomly. Then I read the old research papers again. The last one […]
March 1, 2018


I’ll probably find myself in Dutch archives in the coming months. During my last visit before the holidays, the people of the Amsterdam City Archives showed […]
February 27, 2018


It is 3 o clock in the morning and I can’t sleep. We worked on more of the Gestapo documents today and now, if I close […]
February 15, 2018


This week’s Skype meeting with the team was dedicated to the first insights based on the data collection. The team is already making so much progress! […]